Understanding the GDPR – Client Alert

The European Union (“EU”) will shortly implement changes to its data protection policies.  Its revised data protection regime – the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) – harmonizes data protection law across the EU without the need for national implementation...
Europe’s New General Data Protection Regulation

Europe’s New General Data Protection Regulation

The European Union has adopted massive changes to its data protection policy with the new General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679; “Regulation” or “GDPR”) which will be enforced beginning 25 May 2018. The obligations assigned by the new regulation will...
FCC Freeze in C-Band

FCC Freeze in C-Band

Late yesterday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a public notice announcing a freeze, effective as of April 19, 2018, on the filing of new or modification applications for fixed-satellite service (FSS) earth station licenses, receive-only earth...
NPRM on  Streamlining Licensing Procedures for Small Satellites

NPRM on Streamlining Licensing Procedures for Small Satellites

Last week, the FCC released the text of a draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) ahead of its April meeting that seeks comments on a streamlined licensing process for small satellites (“smallsats”) (IB Docket 18-86; DOC-349939A1.pdf; citations herein to paragraph...